OSBM Ordnance Survey's
of Great Britain
[2GL Abstract]
[2GL Transcription]

Files held at the National Archives, Kew (see also Slides)

These images are partial copies of the files held at the National Archives, Kew. (see index)
They are made available here purely for research purposes, and should not be duplicated or redistributed.

“Reproduced by kind permission of Ordnance Survey © Crown Copyright NC/2004/35281”

OS 1/1139 Third geodetic levelling: Scotland [1956-1964]
VIEW - many interesting maps and abstracts
London Levelling
VIEW OS 1/134 Re-levelling of Greater London [1927-1948]
- abstracts of benchmarks

- If looking for FB's they are transcribed here
OS 5/192 Geodetic levelling: lines in London area [1932]

View at 40% (51Kb)     View Full (271Kb)
OS 1/284 Fundamental Bench Marks [1927 - 1953]