Levelling Homepage Ordnance Survey's
of Great Britain
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Files Held at Kew

OS Files

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[Summary of Records of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain]

 OSRecords of the Ordnance Survey of Great Britain1755-2001
Records of the Central Registry1791-1988
OS 1Ordnance Survey: Central Registry: Registered Files (SO and CR Series)1959-19881667
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 2Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Old Triangulation Records1807-1945699
Ordnance Survey maps and miscellaneous records1755-1993
OS 3Ordnance Survey: Miscellanea1755-1993504
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 4Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors: Parish Acreage Lists: County Series1870-1974171
Ordnance Survey maps and miscellaneous records1755-1993
OS 5Ordnance Survey: Maps and Plans1777-1971207
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 6Ordnance Survey: Trigonometrical and Levelling Divisions: Magnetic Surveys1914-193312
Ordnance Survey maps and miscellaneous records1755-1993
OS 7Ordnance Survey: London Underground Railways Plans194815
Records of the Chief Clerk1921-2003
OS 8Ordnance Survey of Great Britain: Chief Clerk: Office Notices and Circulars1921-2003192
Records of the Director General1855-1998
OS 9Ordnance Survey of Great Britain: Director General: Progress and Annual Reports1855-2001147
Records of the Central Registry1791-1988
OS 10Ordnance Survey: Central Registry: Selected Personal Files1919-19744
OS 11Ordnance Survey: Central Registry: Policy Paper Files (PP Series)1947-198275
Records of the Boundaries Branch1820-2001
OS 12Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Documents: Miscellaneous1852-193625
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 13Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Branch Files1960-1981102
Records of the Central Registry1791-1988
OS 14Ordnance Survey: Central Registry: Experiment Files (E Series)1950-1988120
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 15Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Papers.
OS 16Ordnance Survey: Trigonometrical and Levelling Divisions: Second Geodetic Levelling, Specimen Record ...1943-195038
OS 17Ordnance Survey: Trigonometrical and Levelling Divisions: Liverpool Levelling Books and Abstracts1862-192596
OS 18Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Cambridge Radio Telescope Observations1969-197038
OS 19Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Refractive Index Experiment: Records.
OS 20Ordnance Survey: Trigonometrical and Levelling Divisions: Pre-Cyclic Levelling: Records
OS 21Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Robbins Geoidal Section: Field Books
OS 22Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Geodetic Connections to Ireland and the Continent: Records.
Records of the Boundaries Branch1820-2001
OS 23Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Parish Name Books1850-19451090
OS 24Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Poor Law Union Files1820-1971625
Ordnance Survey maps and miscellaneous records1755-1993
OS 25Ordnance Survey: 1865 Survey of Commons and Open Spaces within 25-Mile Radius of London18657
Records of the Boundaries Branch1820-2001
OS 26Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Remark Books1850-189212870
OS 27Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Sketch Maps1843-18957254
OS 28Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Field Sketch Maps1845-1869417
OS 29Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Journals of Inspection1845-1892253
OS 30Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Scottish Boundaries Correspondence1843-1970247
OS 31Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Record Maps (New Sketch Maps)1865-19472516
OS 32Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Reports1939-1957155
OS 33Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Six-Inch and 1:2,500 Revised Boundary Maps1941-19711924
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 34Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: Original Name Books1853-1866469
OS 35Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: 25-Inch Scale Object Name Books1896-19388879
Records of the Deputy Director Small and Medium Scales1949-1971
OS 36Deputy Director Small and Medium Scales: OS Specifications1949-197111
Records of the Boundaries Branch1820-2001
OS 37Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: County Files: Series I1915-1975207
OS 38Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Deposited Maps (DM and DMX Series)1870-19782569
OS 39Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Scottish Deposited Maps (DMS Series)1883-1973617
OS 40Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Record Sheets: County Series (Quarter Sheets)1890-197339653
OS 41Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Record Sheets: County Series (Full Sheets)1879-19583068
OS 42Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: Boundary Record Sheets: Six-Inch and 1:10,000 National Grid1921-200120973
Ordnance Survey maps and miscellaneous records1755-1993
OS 43Ordnance Survey: Military Maps1861-191458
OS 44Ordnance Survey: 1:1,250 Southampton Survey Maps19476
Records of the Director General1855-1998
OS 45Ordnance Survey of Great Britain: Director General: Manuals and Instructions1882-1978129
Records of Ordnance Survey International and predecessors1946-1993
OS 46Ordnance Survey and predecessors: Ordnance Survey International and predecessors: Annual Reports and ...1946-199344
Records of the Marketing, Planning and Development Division
OS 47Ordnance Survey: Marketing, Planning, and Development Division: Registered Files (MPD Series)1969 Aug 01-1994 Jan 134
Records of the Central Registry1791-1988
OS 48Ordnance Survey: Central Registry: Forms Files (F Series)1950 Mar 03 - 1988 Feb 021
Records of the Director General1855-1998
OS 49Ordnance Survey: Director General's Office: Files1972 Oct 31 - 1983 Sept 261
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 50Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: One-Inch Scale Name Books (Seventh Series)1951-1970106
Ordnance Survey maps and miscellaneous records1755-1993
OS 51Ordnance Survey: Photographs and Pictorial Images1950-19691537
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 52Ordnance Survey: Directorate of Field Survey: One-Inch Scale Name Books (Seventh Series and Implemen ...1948-1975100
Records of the Boundaries Branch1820-2001
OS 53Ordnance Survey: Boundaries Branch: County Files: Series II1969-200139
Records of the Directorate of Field Survey and predecessors1813-1981
OS 54Ordnance Survey: Trigonometrical and Levelling Divisions: Levelling Books and Abstracts1874-1954509