Triangulation |
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What's New
After the furrey of activity on Nov '04
and Dec '04 development has slowed down a bit, so
I am moving back to a single page. (see also page
for 2004)
What's new for March 2005
- Starting to look again at the levelling transcriptions
- Added link to, for plotting 2GL
data, look for the new link on the Line Details page. (Sorry this service is
Only available for 2GL at the moment)
- is a
rebranding of the Location based searches, which really have diversived from
the core of trigtools rather a lot! Hopefully nothing should be lost, please
have a play and let me know of any problems.
- with the problems with the server just after launching, i'm
keeping this launch fairly quiet for now!
- Re-Launch of Mapping and Cartography Information website:
- After the failed launch of the site, due to the ISP being brought
out, I hope this can restart again. I lost enthusiam for the project after all
the hassles, but I hope to start updating it with (much new and unrelased)
meterial I have found/learned.
Coordinate Converter
NAC, Natural Area Coding, Universal Map Grid
and Universal Address are trade marks of
NAC Geographic Products Inc (Used
under Licence)
What's new for Feburary 2005
- Added Links to Ians Hard work
on transcribing the London Abstract.
- Added a new Postcode Statistics page, for
some interesting figures extracted from the Postcode database
Location Search
What's new for January 2005
Location Search
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